Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Today, September 14, 2010

This has been a rough day for the ladies of the Ray family.  We had to drop the kittens (or the woowoos as Anna calls them) off at the vet this morning to be spayed.  Anna cried all the way home, alligator tears.  They appear to be doing well this evening, but are still a little groggy...the cats are doing well also:0)
Art today was salt dough ornaments.  Rhoni made one in the shape of..... TEXAS!?!

This is what I found when I was putting the sheets on Anna's bed today.  Her mattress had gotten pushed to one side and revealed this masterpiece.  She more than just looks like her Uncle Jeremy!
I tried to get a close up so you could see the pawns the girls were using for the board game that they made with their Daddy a few weeks ago. Only my girls...

It has been a great day.  Ron played on the church's softball team in their first game tonight and we all had a big time.  There is no telling what tomorrow will bring.  Goodbye, for now.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 5, 2010

WOW... life is going by at a frantic pace... so new format on the blog.  I will catch up the past 3 weeks (hopefully), but will tell you about today.

Ron and the girls and I got up before daylight around 5:14 a.m. and were at the church by 5:30a.m. to help set-up the tent and make coffee for Common Grounds which is where our church gives away free coffee and donuts on Thursday mornings September thru May.  Anna was sooo excited that the child, who you can't usually beat out of the bed, hopped right up as I rounded the corner into her room.  "Is it time yet!" and off we went.  The girls had a GREAT time.

Ron surprised us by taking the day off for "our" anniversary.  So, we have had an AWESOME day just hanging out together and running around town.  The girls ate dinner with Brother Brian and Trinity while their Daddy and I went out for tortilla soup at Posadas.  It has been a great day and I'm sure we will all crash early!
 Sorry that their are no pictures, but my favorite moment from the day is looking out from the front of the church with the sun barely lighting the sky to see my two"big" girls sitting on the church steps, waiting for "customers" oh so patiently...  a beautiful site.  They love to serve.